Dawid Pietrykowski 8749f5e3a9 First commit
2024-04-16 20:18:18 +02:00

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|| Filename: IO_Macros.h
|| Title: IO manipulation macros
|| Author: Efthymios Koktsidis
|| Email: efthymios.ks@gmail.com
|| Compiler: AVR-GCC
|| Description: This library contains macros for
|| easy port manipulation (similar
|| to Arduino).
|| Demo:
|| 1. #define LED A, 0 || 6. PinModeToggle(BUTTON);
|| 2. #define BUTTON A, 1 || 7. DigitalWrite(LED, LOW);
|| 3. || 8. DigitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
|| 4. PinMode(BUTTON, OUTPUT); || 9. DigitalLevelToggle(LED);
|| 5. PinMode(LED, OUTPUT); ||10. int a = DigitalRead(BUTTON);
#include <avr/io.h>
//----- I/O Macros -----
//Macros to edit PORT, DDR and PIN
#define PinMode( x, y) ( y ? _SET(DDR, x) : _CLEAR(DDR, x) )
#define DigitalWrite( x, y) ( y ? _SET(PORT, x) : _CLEAR(PORT, x) )
#define DigitalRead( x) ( _GET(PIN, x) )
#define PinModeToggle( x) ( _TOGGLE(DDR, x) )
#define DigitalLevelToggle( x) ( _TOGGLE(PORT, x) )
//General use bit manipulating commands
#define BitSet( x, y) ( x |= (1UL<<y) )
#define BitClear( x, y) ( x &= (~(1UL<<y)) )
#define BitToggle( x, y) ( x ^= (1UL<<y) )
#define BitCheck( x, y) ( x & (1UL<<y) ? 1 : 0 )
//Access PORT, DDR and PIN
#define PORT( port) (_PORT( port))
#define DDR( port) (_DDR( port))
#define PIN( port) (_PIN( port))
#define _PORT( port) (PORT## port)
#define _DDR( port) (DDR## port)
#define _PIN( port) (PIN## port)
#define _SET( type, port, bit) ( BitSet( (type##port), bit) )
#define _CLEAR( type, port, bit) ( BitClear( (type##port), bit) )
#define _TOGGLE(type, port, bit) ( BitToggle( (type##port), bit) )
#define _GET( type, port, bit) ( BitCheck( (type##port), bit) )
#define Input 0
#define Output !Input
#define Low 0
#define High !Low
#define False 0
#define True !False