import 'dart:async'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; class EegState { final double mind_wandering; final double focus; EegState({ required this.mind_wandering, required this.focus, }); } class EegCubit extends Cubit { EegCubit() : super(EegState(mind_wandering: 0.0, focus: 0.0)) { // Start the timer when the cubit is created startPolling(); } Timer? _timer; void startPolling() { // Poll every 1 second (adjust the duration as needed) _timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) { // Simulate getting new EEG data // In a real application, you would fetch this data from your EEG device or API // double newMindWandering = ( % 100) / 100; // double newFocus = 1 - newMindWandering; fetchEegData().then((data) { double newMindWandering = data[0]; double newFocus = data[1]; // Update the state with the new EEG data updateEegData(newMindWandering, newFocus); }); // updateEegData(newMindWandering, newFocus); }); } Future> fetchEegData() async { final url = Uri.parse(''); try { final response = await http.get(url); if (response.statusCode == 200) { // Split the response body by newline and parse as floats List values = response.body.trim().split('\n'); if (values.length == 2) { return [ double.parse(values[0]), double.parse(values[1]), ]; } else { throw Exception('Unexpected response format'); } } else { throw Exception('Failed to load EEG data: ${response.statusCode}'); } } catch (e) { throw Exception('Error fetching EEG data: $e'); } } void stopPolling() { _timer?.cancel(); _timer = null; } void updateEegData(double mindWandering, double focus) { emit(EegState(mind_wandering: mindWandering, focus: focus)); print('Mind Wandering: $mindWandering, Focus: $focus'); } @override Future close() { stopPolling(); return super.close(); } }