import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:gemini_app/config.dart'; import 'package:gemini_app/bloc/eeg_state.dart'; import 'package:google_generative_ai/google_generative_ai.dart'; const String systemPrmpt = """You are an AI tutor helping students understand topics with help of biometric data. You will be supplied with a json containing data extracted from an EEG device, use that data to modify your approach and help the student learn more effectively. At the start you will be provided a script with a lesson to cover. Keep the analysis and responses short. Use language: POLISH After completing the theoretical part there's a quiz, you can start it yourself at the appropriate time or react to users' request by including at the start of your response Write the response in markdown and split it into two parts (include the tokens): optional: here describe what is the state of the student and how to best approach them here continue with the lesson, respond to answers, etc """; enum GeminiStatus { initial, loading, success, error } // enum MessageType { text, image, audio, video } enum MessageSource { user, agent } class QuizMessage { final String content; final List options; final int correctAnswer; int? userAnswer; QuizMessage({ required this.content, required this.options, required this.correctAnswer, this.userAnswer, }); } // class Message { // final String text; // final MessageType type; // final MessageSource source; // Message({ // required this.text, // required this.type, // required this.source, // }); // } enum MessageType { text, lessonScript, quizQuestion, quizAnswer } class Message { final String text; final MessageType type; final MessageSource source; final List? quizOptions; // Add this for ABCD options final int? correctAnswer; // Add this for the correct answer index Message({ required this.text, required this.type, required this.source, this.quizOptions, this.correctAnswer, }); static Message fromGeminiContent(Content content) { if ( { final part =; if (part is TextPart) { return Message( text: part.text, type: MessageType.text, source: content.role == 'model' ? MessageSource.agent : MessageSource.user, ); } } throw UnsupportedError('Unsupported content type'); } Content toGeminiContent() { if (source == MessageSource.user || type == MessageType.lessonScript) { return Content.text(text); } else { return Content.model([TextPart(text)]); } } } class QuizQuestion { String question; List options; int correctAnswer; QuizQuestion({ required this.question, required this.options, required this.correctAnswer, }); } class GeminiState { GeminiStatus status; String error; List messages; List? quizQuestions; bool isQuizMode; int currentQuizIndex; GenerativeModel? model; GeminiState( {required this.status, this.error = '', this.messages = const [], this.quizQuestions, this.isQuizMode = false, this.currentQuizIndex = -1, this.model}); GeminiState copyWith({ GeminiStatus? status, String? error, List? messages, List? quizQuestions, bool? isQuizMode, int? currentQuizIndex, GenerativeModel? model, }) { return GeminiState( status: status ?? this.status, error: error ?? this.error, messages: messages ?? this.messages, quizQuestions: quizQuestions ?? this.quizQuestions, isQuizMode: isQuizMode ?? this.isQuizMode, currentQuizIndex: currentQuizIndex ?? this.currentQuizIndex, model: model ?? this.model, ); } static GeminiState get initialState => GeminiState( status: GeminiStatus.initial, // messages: [Message(text: "Hello, I'm Gemini Pro. How can I help you?", type: MessageType.text, source: MessageSource.agent)], messages: [ // Message.fromGeminiContent(Content.model( // [TextPart("Hello, I'm Gemini Pro. How can I help you?")])) ], error: '', ); } class GeminiCubit extends Cubit { GeminiCubit() : super(GeminiState.initialState); void startLesson(EegState eegState) async { final quizQuestions = await loadQuizQuestions(); final String rjp = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/lessons/'); final String prompt = "Jesteś nauczycielem/chatbotem prowadzącym zajęcia z jednym uczniem. Uczeń ma możliwość zadawania pytań w trakcie, natomiast jesteś odpowiedzialny za prowadzenie lekcji i przedstawienie tematu. Zacznij prowadzić lekcje dla jednego ucznia na podstawie poniszego skryptu:\n$rjp"; final safetySettings = [ SafetySetting(HarmCategory.harassment, HarmBlockThreshold.none), SafetySetting(HarmCategory.hateSpeech, HarmBlockThreshold.none), SafetySetting(HarmCategory.sexuallyExplicit, HarmBlockThreshold.none), SafetySetting(HarmCategory.dangerousContent, HarmBlockThreshold.none), ]; final model = GenerativeModel( model: 'gemini-1.5-pro-latest', apiKey: geminiApiKey, safetySettings: safetySettings, systemInstruction: Content.system(systemPrmpt)); Message lessonScriptMessage = Message( text: prompt, type: MessageType.lessonScript, source: MessageSource.agent, ); GeminiState initialState = GeminiState( status: GeminiStatus.loading, error: '', messages: [lessonScriptMessage], quizQuestions: quizQuestions, isQuizMode: false, model: model); emit(initialState); try { final chat = state.model!.startChat(history: [Content.text(prompt)]); final stream = chat.sendMessageStream(Content.text( "EEG DATA:\n${eegState.getJsonString()}\nPytanie:\n$prompt")); String responseText = ''; await for (final chunk in stream) { responseText += chunk.text ?? ''; emit(initialState.copyWith( status: GeminiStatus.success, messages: [ lessonScriptMessage, Message( source: MessageSource.agent, text: responseText, type: MessageType.text) ], model: model)); } } catch (e) { emit(GeminiState( status: GeminiStatus.error, messages: state.messages, error: e.toString(), )); } // enterQuizMode(); // sendMessage(prompt, eegState); } void sendMessage(String prompt, EegState eegState) async { List messagesWithoutPrompt = state.messages; var messagesWithPrompt = state.messages + [ Message( text: prompt, type: MessageType.text, source: MessageSource.user) ]; emit(state.copyWith( status: GeminiStatus.loading, messages: messagesWithPrompt, )); try { final chat = state.model!.startChat( history: messagesWithoutPrompt .map((mess) => mess.toGeminiContent()) .toList()); final stream = chat.sendMessageStream(Content.text( "EEG DATA:\n${eegState.getJsonString()}\nWiadomość od ucznia:\n$prompt")); String responseText = ''; await for (final chunk in stream) { responseText += chunk.text ?? ''; emit(state.copyWith( status: GeminiStatus.success, messages: messagesWithPrompt + [ Message( source: MessageSource.agent, text: responseText, type: MessageType.text) ])); } if (responseText.contains("")) { enterQuizMode(); } } catch (e) { emit(GeminiState( status: GeminiStatus.error, messages: messagesWithPrompt, error: e.toString(), )); } } void passAnswerToGemini(int answer) async { final quizQuestion = state.quizQuestions![state.currentQuizIndex]; final answerMessage = Message( text: quizQuestion.options[answer], type: MessageType.quizAnswer, source: MessageSource.user, quizOptions: quizQuestion.options, correctAnswer: quizQuestion.correctAnswer, ); final List updatedMessages = [ ...state.messages, answerMessage, ]; emit(state.copyWith(messages: updatedMessages)); askNextQuizQuestion(); } Future> loadQuizQuestions() async { final String quizJson = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/lessons/rjp.json'); final List quizData = json.decode(quizJson); return quizData .map((question) => QuizQuestion( question: question['question'], options: List.from(question['options']), correctAnswer: question['correctAnswer'], )) .toList(); } void enterQuizMode() async { if (state.isQuizMode) return; // Prevent re-entering quiz mode askNextQuizQuestion(); } void askNextQuizQuestion() { var currentQuizIndex = state.currentQuizIndex + 1; final quizQuestion = state.quizQuestions![currentQuizIndex]; final quizQuestionMessage = Message( text: quizQuestion.question, type: MessageType.quizQuestion, source: MessageSource.agent, quizOptions: quizQuestion.options, correctAnswer: quizQuestion.correctAnswer, ); final List updatedMessages = [ ...state.messages, quizQuestionMessage, ]; emit(state.copyWith( messages: updatedMessages, isQuizMode: true, currentQuizIndex: currentQuizIndex)); } void checkAnswer(int answerIndex) { passAnswerToGemini(answerIndex); } void resetConversation() { emit(GeminiState.initialState); } }