WIP reconfiguration
This commit is contained in:
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--- !u!224 &441283504
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--- !u!114 &441283505
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--- !u!224 &719677295
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--- !u!1 &1079236959
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emergencyPlanContainer: {fileID: 632826360}
reconfigurationToggle: {fileID: 441283505}
defaultPath: Assets/Data/Tablica1.csv
--- !u!1 &1347097428
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--- !u!114 &1365705407
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--- !u!224 &1690960236
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--- !u!1 &1728782014
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@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ namespace Parking
public bool Reserved = false;
public int ReservedPriority = 0;
public Size Size;
public TimeSpan LastReconfiguration = TimeSpan.Zero;
public Spot(Size size, bool flipped)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace Parking
@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ namespace Parking
[SerializeField] public GameObject carPrefab;
[SerializeField] public Transform mainPlanContainer;
[SerializeField] public Transform emergencyPlanContainer;
[SerializeField] public Toggle reconfigurationToggle;
[SerializeField] public string defaultPath = "Assets/Data/Tablica2.csv";
private readonly float[] _spotHeights = {4f, 4.5f, 5f, 7.5f};
@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ namespace Parking
{new List<Spot>(), new List<Spot>(), new List<Spot>(), new List<Spot>()};
private bool _emergencyActivated;
private bool _reconfigurationActive = true;
private int _initialConfigurationSpotCount;
private int[,] _initialSolution;
@ -52,15 +56,26 @@ namespace Parking
private void Start()
_spotPrefabs = new List<GameObject> {spotPrefabA, spotPrefabB, spotPrefabC, spotPrefabD};
public void ReconfigurationToggle(bool value)
_reconfigurationActive = value;
Debug.Log($"Reconfiguration {(value ? "activated" : "deactivated")}");
public void ReadDataButtonClick()
if (!DataImporter.ReadFile(pathText.text.Replace("\u200B", ""))) {
string path = pathText.text.Replace("\u200B", "");
if (path.Length == 0)
path = defaultPath;
if (!DataImporter.ReadFile(path)) {
@ -134,7 +149,8 @@ namespace Parking
if (_emergencyActivated)
foreach (Driver driver in DataImporter.Drivers) {
// TODO: Check if car can stay before other reservation - may not work for priority-based reservations
@ -147,7 +163,7 @@ namespace Parking
&& !driver.Parked && !driver.Rejected && _currentTime <= driver.Times[3].TimeOfDay;
if (triesToPark && !driver.Parked && !driver.Rejected) {
if (!PlaceCarOnParking(driver)) {
if (TryReconfigureSpotForSize(driver.Size)) {
if (_reconfigurationActive && TryReconfigureSpotForSize(driver.Size)) {
if (!PlaceCarOnParking(driver)) {
Debug.Log($"Placing failed for car {driver.Number} size {driver.Size}");
driver.Rejected = true;
@ -174,7 +190,7 @@ namespace Parking
driver.Rejected = true;
@ -206,7 +222,7 @@ namespace Parking
private int GetReservedSpotCount(int priority, Size size)
int count = 0;
foreach (var list in _spotMap)
foreach (List<Spot> list in _spotMap)
foreach (Spot spot in list)
if (spot.Size == size && spot.Reserved && spot.ReservedPriority == priority)
@ -216,7 +232,7 @@ namespace Parking
private bool FindReservedSpot(Driver driver, out Spot spot)
foreach (var list in _spotMap)
foreach (List<Spot> list in _spotMap)
foreach (Spot spot1 in list)
if (spot1.Reserved && spot1.ReservedPriority == driver.Priority) {
spot = spot1;
@ -240,7 +256,7 @@ namespace Parking
foreach (var t in _spotMap)
foreach (List<Spot> t in _spotMap)
foreach (Spot spot in t) {
bool spotAvailable = spot.Size == driver.Size && spot.Free &&
(spot.ParkingDirection == driver.ParkingPreference ||
@ -253,7 +269,7 @@ namespace Parking
foreach (var t in _spotMap)
foreach (List<Spot> t in _spotMap)
foreach (Spot spot in t)
if (spot.Size == driver.Size && spot.Free && !spot.Reserved) {
PlaceDriverOnSpot(driver, spot);
@ -288,7 +304,7 @@ namespace Parking
private void ReconfigureSpots()
int[] freeSpots = GetFreeSpotCount();
var nextCars = GetNextCars(1);
List<Driver> nextCars = GetNextCars(1);
int[] plannedSpots = {0, 0, 0, 0};
foreach (Driver driver in nextCars)
plannedSpots[(int) driver.Size]++;
@ -301,7 +317,7 @@ namespace Parking
Debug.Log($"Needed spots = {neededSpots[0]} {neededSpots[1]} {neededSpots[2]} {neededSpots[3]}");
Debug.Log("Attempting reconfiguration...");
var spotlessCars = new List<Driver>();
List<Driver> spotlessCars = new List<Driver>();
// Filter drivers by assigning free space
foreach (Driver nextCar in nextCars)
@ -311,21 +327,24 @@ namespace Parking
foreach (Driver nextCar in spotlessCars) {
foreach (Driver nextCar in spotlessCars)
private bool TryReconfigureSpotForSize(Size newSize)
foreach (var currentLaneSpots in _spotMap)
foreach (List<Spot> currentLaneSpots in _spotMap)
foreach (Spot spot in currentLaneSpots) {
if (spot.Size > newSize && spot.Free && spot.Size != Size.D && !spot.Reserved) {
if (GetSpotCountOfSize(Size.A) <= 2 && spot.Size == Size.A)
if (GetSpotCountOfSize(Size.B) <= 2 && spot.Size == Size.B)
if (!(spot.Free && spot.Size != Size.D)) // && !spot.Reserved))
if (GetSpotCountOfSize(Size.A) <= 2 && spot.Size == Size.A)
if (GetSpotCountOfSize(Size.B) <= 2 && spot.Size == Size.B)
if (spot.LastReconfiguration == _currentTime)
if (spot.Size > newSize) {
int size = (int) newSize;
@ -349,43 +368,146 @@ namespace Parking
Vector3 newPosition = position + offset;
if (!spot.Perpendicular) {
var allBorders = new List<float>();
foreach (Spot spot1 in currentLaneSpots) {
if (spot1 == spot)
Vector3 spotPosition = spot1.GameObject.transform.position;
float sizeOffset = _spotHeights[(int) spot1.Size] / 2.0f;
allBorders.Add(spotPosition.x + sizeOffset);
allBorders.Add(spotPosition.x - sizeOffset);
float newX = GetNextBorderHorizontal(position, spot, true) -
_spotHeights[(int) spot.Size] / 2.0f;
newPosition = new Vector3(newX,
newPosition.y, newPosition.z);
else {
float newX = GetNextBorderHorizontal(position, spot, true) - 2.25f / 2.0f;
if (spot.Lane == 0) {
float xRelativeToRight = newX - Width / 2.0f - 2.25f / 2.0f;
xRelativeToRight -= (xRelativeToRight + 2.25f / 2.0f) % 2.25f;
newX = xRelativeToRight + Width / 2.0f;
else {
float xRelativeToLeft = newX + Width / 2.0f;
xRelativeToLeft -= (xRelativeToLeft + 2.25f / 2.0f) % 2.25f;
newX = xRelativeToLeft - Width / 2.0f;
foreach (float adjacentBorder in allBorders)
if (adjacentBorder > position.x) {
newPosition = new Vector3(adjacentBorder -
_spotHeights[size] / 2.0f,
newPosition.y, newPosition.z);
newPosition = new Vector3(newX,
newPosition.y, newPosition.z);
// TODO: check how much space to right to push
spot.GameObject = Instantiate(_spotPrefabs[size],
newPosition, rotation, mainPlanContainer);
spot.LastReconfiguration = _currentTime;
return true;
if (spot.Size < newSize) {
if (!spot.Perpendicular)
int size = (int) newSize;
float diff = (_spotHeights[(int) spot.Size] - _spotHeights[size]) / 2.0f;
Vector3 position = spot.GameObject.transform.position;
float spotBorder;
float thisSizeOffset;
if (spot.Perpendicular)
thisSizeOffset = _spotHeights[(int) spot.Size] / 2.0f;
thisSizeOffset = 2.25f;
if (!spot.AlignToTop)
spotBorder = position.y + thisSizeOffset;
spotBorder = position.y - thisSizeOffset;
float nextBorder = GetNextBorderVectical(position, spot.Lane, spot.Perpendicular, newSize, !spot.AlignToTop);
if (Math.Abs(spotBorder - nextBorder) < 5.5f)
spot.Size = (Size) size;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;
if (spot.GameObject != null) {
position = spot.GameObject.transform.position;
rotation = spot.GameObject.transform.rotation;
spot.Reserved = false;
if (!spot.AlignToTop)
diff *= -1;
Vector3 offset = spot.Perpendicular ? new Vector3(0, diff, 0) : new Vector3(-diff, 0, 0);
Vector3 newPosition = position + offset;
spot.GameObject = Instantiate(_spotPrefabs[size],
newPosition, rotation, mainPlanContainer);
spot.LastReconfiguration = _currentTime;
return true;
return false;
private float GetNextBorderVectical(Vector3 position, int lane, bool perpendicular, Size size, bool up)
float minX = position.x - (perpendicular ? 2.25f : _spotHeights[(int) size]);
float maxX = position.x + (perpendicular ? 2.25f : _spotHeights[(int) size]);
List<float> allBorders = new();
List<Spot> targetLane = up ? _spotMap[lane + 1] : _spotMap[lane - 1];
foreach (Spot spot1 in targetLane) {
Vector3 targetSpotPosition = spot1.GameObject.transform.position;
if (targetSpotPosition.x < minX || targetSpotPosition.x > maxX)
float sizeOffset;
if (spot1.Perpendicular)
sizeOffset = _spotHeights[(int) spot1.Size] / 2.0f;
sizeOffset = 2.25f;
if (up)
allBorders.Add(targetSpotPosition.y - sizeOffset);
allBorders.Add(targetSpotPosition.y + sizeOffset);
if (allBorders.Count == 0)
return up ? Height / 2.0f : -Height / 2.0f;
float nextBorder = up ? allBorders.Min() : allBorders.Max();
return nextBorder;
private float GetNextBorderHorizontal(Vector3 position, Spot spot, bool right)
List<float> allBorders = new List<float>();
List<Spot> targetLane = _spotMap[spot.Lane];
foreach (Spot spot1 in targetLane) {
if (spot1 == spot)
Vector3 spotPosition = spot1.GameObject.transform.position;
float sizeOffset;
if (spot1.Perpendicular)
sizeOffset = 2.25f / 2.0f;
sizeOffset = _spotHeights[(int) spot1.Size] / 2.0f;
allBorders.Add(spotPosition.x + sizeOffset);
allBorders.Add(spotPosition.x - sizeOffset);
foreach (float adjacentBorder in allBorders)
if (adjacentBorder > position.x)
return adjacentBorder;
if (spot.Perpendicular)
return position.x + (right ? 1 : -1) * _spotHeights[(int) spot.Size] / 2.0f;
return position.x + (right ? 1 : -1) * 2.25f / 2.0f;
private int GetSpotCountOfSize(Size size)
int count = 0;
foreach (var t in _spotMap)
foreach (List<Spot> t in _spotMap)
foreach (Spot spot in t)
if (spot.Size == size)
@ -395,7 +517,7 @@ namespace Parking
private int[] GetFreeSpotCount()
int[] freeSpots = {0, 0, 0, 0};
foreach (var t in _spotMap)
foreach (List<Spot> t in _spotMap)
foreach (Spot spot in t)
if (spot.Free)
freeSpots[(int) spot.Size]++;
@ -404,7 +526,7 @@ namespace Parking
private List<Driver> GetNextCars(int steps)
var nextCars = new List<Driver>();
List<Driver> nextCars = new List<Driver>();
TimeSpan updatedTime = _currentTime + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(stepTime * steps);
foreach (Driver driver in DataImporter.Drivers)
if (updatedTime <= driver.Times[1].TimeOfDay &&
@ -417,7 +539,7 @@ namespace Parking
private void ArrangeSpots(int[,] spotsCreated)
var spotMap = GenerateSpotMap(spotsCreated);
List<List<Spot>> spotMap = GenerateSpotMap(spotsCreated);
float[] spotSizes = {4, 4.5f, 5, 0};
float maxP3 = 0;
@ -431,7 +553,7 @@ namespace Parking
// float maxP3 = spotMap[2].Count == 0 ? 0 : _spotHeights[(int) spotMap[2].Max().Size];
// float maxP2 = spotMap[1].Count == 0 ? 0 : _spotHeights[(int) spotMap[1].Max().Size];
var prefabs = new List<GameObject> {spotPrefabA, spotPrefabB, spotPrefabC, spotPrefabD};
List<GameObject> prefabs = new List<GameObject> {spotPrefabA, spotPrefabB, spotPrefabC, spotPrefabD};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
float currentY;
@ -566,7 +688,7 @@ namespace Parking
private List<List<Spot>> GenerateSpotMap(int[,] spotsCreated)
foreach (var list in _spotMap) {
foreach (List<Spot> list in _spotMap) {
foreach (Spot spot in list)
if (spot.GameObject != null)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user